Wednesday, May 19, 2010

whats on my mind

Well last night i got home around 10:00 when i had came in I had mail waiting for me since the mail man had came in the mail there were 6 tickets for driving a motor cycle that i have never driving. you see last September there was a problem wit this motor cycle it had belong to myself but I rarely road it because it wasn't allowed to be on the streets. but that didn't stop someone else from riding it and putting the tickets in my name so that i would take the rap for it.Today I was supposed t go and get my permit from the DVM i cant do that because of the tickets I now have.May 26 I have court for this and I hope everything gets resolved because if I'm found guilty I'm going to have fines out the AZ! and I wont be able get a drivers license for a long while.It makes me feel helpless, and in a state of rage i don't no what the outcome will be when it gets her but i hope its one of those cases where true justice is served. Do you no the feeling, when you no the ones around you really don't know what there talking about but swear up and down they do (I hate the law system !) but only if im found guilty :)

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