Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Privacy time is my time

throughout life we learn morals the things you do,do and the things you don't do. invading someones privacy is one thing you don't do 1 because it makes others lose trust and if you have a friendship your plausible to loose that too. when you take away someones privacy it degrades them its taking the only thing they have to them selves but at least they have the thoughts in there mind that's the only thing you cant hinder in trying to invade privacy but i don't think its alright to invade someones privacy,its what makes us,we get ourselves together in our private time we have hobbies that we do when know ones around to make fun of us or spectate.privacy is the most important gift you can probably get on this earth.time alone by yourself can help the soul i can name an example of how privacy is important.suppose you just got home from school and you have been holding you bows and bladder since you left school,well you get home and run to the bathroom only to find out someones in there using it but you don't know who it is and you walk in to your parents room to use the bathroom but there in there bathroom both in the tube because you broke there privacy and went into there space you seen something which will probably leave you scared for a while

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