Wednesday, June 9, 2010
stevei the meany
I remember it was about when i was in fourth grade there was a girl named Benita that no one really liked but i particularly didn't like because she liked me. i had been having an end of the year pool party and everyone was invited except for her i told her that she couldn't come because she would probably turn the pool water black because she was dirty. when i think back on it now i was so young and reckless she never deserved it and i know her feelings where hurt. people usually do these type of things either when something like it is being done to them or if that's just how they got to feel better about themselves.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Alchemist
I liked the book the Alchemist created by Paulo Coelho; Iwould definitely recommend the book to someone else. i could identify what how Santiago felt when he had lose everything to get more out plus knowledge that he would forever be able to hold on to. the story was adventures constantly mind capturing and i would recommend it for others to read. An Alchemist is a person who is versed in or practices alchemy.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
whats on my mind
Well last night i got home around 10:00 when i had came in I had mail waiting for me since the mail man had came in the mail there were 6 tickets for driving a motor cycle that i have never driving. you see last September there was a problem wit this motor cycle it had belong to myself but I rarely road it because it wasn't allowed to be on the streets. but that didn't stop someone else from riding it and putting the tickets in my name so that i would take the rap for it.Today I was supposed t go and get my permit from the DVM i cant do that because of the tickets I now have.May 26 I have court for this and I hope everything gets resolved because if I'm found guilty I'm going to have fines out the AZ! and I wont be able get a drivers license for a long while.It makes me feel helpless, and in a state of rage i don't no what the outcome will be when it gets her but i hope its one of those cases where true justice is served. Do you no the feeling, when you no the ones around you really don't know what there talking about but swear up and down they do (I hate the law system !) but only if im found guilty :)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
my career
When I'm around the age twenty five i hope to have at least 6 years in the military. In the coast guard of the united states, Maritime intelligence. I would be a good fit for this job because its something i feel that fits my life style and the thrills I live for. It describes the mystery of what and expense that i always felt surrounding me! the job also comes with lots of benefits that could help my upcoming family. and my personal life with finances and just living everyday life. there are many things i need to know and have the skills to do before i can enter into the long journey through a career.
(1)adapting to new procedures is an example i would have to learn that things are always changing and that to be among that is important.
(2)listening to others is also as important because if i cant listen to those in charge over me i might not have a career.
(3) analyzing problems,like knowing when to react to a negative situation.
(4)becoming actively involved, in my job i would stay actively involved between missions and learning more info on my job.
(5)advising people , letting others know what instructions are.
(6)enforcing rules and regulations,living by the book the way it was taught.
(7)classifying records,making sure all; records are up to date and everything is copacetic.
(8)enduring long hours , we all have to work to get that level of position and to get there i will endure long hours.
(9)motivating others, at one point we all need that helping hand and motivation to go on.
(10)taking independent action,once again knowing when or when not to do something at the appropriate time.
(11)maintaining emotional control under stress, that's definitely a skill that would help anyone going into the military.
(12)reading volumes of material, this is the schooling aspect part of going to the military.
(13)measuring boundaries, understand whose who and who I encounter.
(14)resolving conflicts, talking things through to get top the source of the problem.
(15)interpreting languages, knowing more than one language would help me be a step ahead
(16)organizing file, by knowing where thing are located paper work wise gives an idea of order.
(17)locating missing information, is what i will be doing while out on secret missions
(18)inventing new ideas, is something good for when im out on the water sometimes you need something you dont have at the moment.
(19)propsing ideas, is something that i dont know if i might get the chance to do alot but i know its something that im going to do when i get the oppritunity.
(20)meeting new people, is something that im going to be doing the whole time that im gone.
(1)adapting to new procedures is an example i would have to learn that things are always changing and that to be among that is important.
(2)listening to others is also as important because if i cant listen to those in charge over me i might not have a career.
(3) analyzing problems,like knowing when to react to a negative situation.
(4)becoming actively involved, in my job i would stay actively involved between missions and learning more info on my job.
(5)advising people , letting others know what instructions are.
(6)enforcing rules and regulations,living by the book the way it was taught.
(7)classifying records,making sure all; records are up to date and everything is copacetic.
(8)enduring long hours , we all have to work to get that level of position and to get there i will endure long hours.
(9)motivating others, at one point we all need that helping hand and motivation to go on.
(10)taking independent action,once again knowing when or when not to do something at the appropriate time.
(11)maintaining emotional control under stress, that's definitely a skill that would help anyone going into the military.
(12)reading volumes of material, this is the schooling aspect part of going to the military.
(13)measuring boundaries, understand whose who and who I encounter.
(14)resolving conflicts, talking things through to get top the source of the problem.
(15)interpreting languages, knowing more than one language would help me be a step ahead
(16)organizing file, by knowing where thing are located paper work wise gives an idea of order.
(17)locating missing information, is what i will be doing while out on secret missions
(18)inventing new ideas, is something good for when im out on the water sometimes you need something you dont have at the moment.
(19)propsing ideas, is something that i dont know if i might get the chance to do alot but i know its something that im going to do when i get the oppritunity.
(20)meeting new people, is something that im going to be doing the whole time that im gone.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Privacy time is my time
throughout life we learn morals the things you do,do and the things you don't do. invading someones privacy is one thing you don't do 1 because it makes others lose trust and if you have a friendship your plausible to loose that too. when you take away someones privacy it degrades them its taking the only thing they have to them selves but at least they have the thoughts in there mind that's the only thing you cant hinder in trying to invade privacy but i don't think its alright to invade someones privacy,its what makes us,we get ourselves together in our private time we have hobbies that we do when know ones around to make fun of us or spectate.privacy is the most important gift you can probably get on this earth.time alone by yourself can help the soul i can name an example of how privacy is important.suppose you just got home from school and you have been holding you bows and bladder since you left school,well you get home and run to the bathroom only to find out someones in there using it but you don't know who it is and you walk in to your parents room to use the bathroom but there in there bathroom both in the tube because you broke there privacy and went into there space you seen something which will probably leave you scared for a while
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Death threw Punishment
In Shakespeare's England torture and execution was just like an everyday, any day thing similar to how somethings fall on us in today's times but the things the old England people had to Indore is far beyond today's treatment for punishment.back then peeping toms would have there eyes taking out in today's culture you are just known as a pedophile another torture device was called the wheel which you were strapped to with iron bars that crush u body slowly and if left still alive they would crush your heart with the wheel.either punishment capital or corporal they still would only make matters worst i don't encourage either of them because you only get one life on this earth why live it in pain and agony.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Home sweet Home
In my neighborhood the streets are rough with filled pot holes.the houses are stuck close together and there is an island of grass placed in the center of it all. my friends,brothers,and i would often play at the park or jus around anywhere .growing up there was always fun but sometimes life threatening because we was known as the young boa's.On the Conner from where i lived was a store were we would get sweets and other snacks. when i think about home i would go to war to defend it because when anyone thinks of home the beginging of how it all started comes back to you so when it comes to my home from which i came i would gaurd it with my life.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
the wind man meets odysseus
The topic : Describe Odysseus' encounter with Aeolus and the situation leading up the accident involving Aeolus's bag of wind who is to blame for the accident Odysseus or his men?
When Odysseus saw Aeolus he had just escaped from the Cyclops and was headed up a rocky patch of land when they met Aeolus had filled his bag with winds from the west that would help him get to where he was going i believe the bag being opened was Odysseus's fault. if he is a worrier a leader and one whom his people follow then he should have made it a point that know one touched it regardless of what they where interested in about the bag.
When Odysseus saw Aeolus he had just escaped from the Cyclops and was headed up a rocky patch of land when they met Aeolus had filled his bag with winds from the west that would help him get to where he was going i believe the bag being opened was Odysseus's fault. if he is a worrier a leader and one whom his people follow then he should have made it a point that know one touched it regardless of what they where interested in about the bag.
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